Winning Wednesday #9

Create the environment you wished you had

It’s easy to lose sight of the vision you had when you were just starting your career.

Every leader I’ve worked with, at some point, has worked in an environment that they didn’t like. And, they had a vision to help that environment get better.

But by the time they get to that leadership role they’ve coveted, they’ve lost sight of what that vision was. They’re busy playing by the political rules or trying to manage personality dynamics. They’re out of touch with what they dreamed about doing when they were in charge.

The challenge is to get back in touch with that initial vision.

Sure, it may not have been as sophisticated as you need it to be today.

But chances are it was more human, a little simpler, and more inspiring than what you’ve been conditioned to believe great leadership is.

Think back to the environment you wished you had when you started.

Then create that.


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