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  • 5 Ted Talks to Think, Feel, and Perform Better

5 Ted Talks to Think, Feel, and Perform Better

Helping you discover and leverage the science-backed principles of health and high performance to perform your best when it matters most.

Reading Time: 3 Minutes

Watching Time: ~60 minutes

TedTalk #1: The Power of Being a Beginner

This powerful TedTalk helps us foster a more balanced approach to the world we live in. Though it emphasizes bias and managing our automatic thinking patterns, the practice of applying a beginner's mind can be transformational in the way you approach yourself and your performance.

As a bonus, having a beginner's mind can facilitate self-regulated learning - one of the core skills of elite performance.

TedTalk #2: Develop Your Range

In fact, David Epstein's book Range was the genesis of this edition of the newsletter, and my general goal of pushing myself outside of just peak performance work and into the world of peak performance, potential, business, and psychology - the core of the things I'm most interested in.

In this TedTalk, Epstein talks about the benefit of expanding your scope and seeing the world from a bird's eye view.

Tedtalk #3: How Do You Evaluate Risk?

All performances are odds-based events. The way we think about odds, as a result, has a big impact on the way that we approach (or avoid) a performance, and what we think we need to do to be successful.

In this talk, psychologist Gerd Gigerenzer, a specialist in understanding risks, takes us into the world of how to better think about the odds we face.

TedTalk #4: Build Your Self-Awareness

Author of the fantastic book on self-awareness, Insight, Dr. Tasha Eurich takes us into the dimensions of self-awareness and how we can build them up.

This TedTalk fosters our awareness of our self-awareness, or lack thereof, and simple ways we can improve our self-awareness as a starting point to self-actualization.

TedTalk #5: A biochemist and monk walk into a bar...

In this TedTalk, biochemist turned monk Mattheu Ricard uncovers how things like kindness and self-compassion make our lives better.

With a focus on high-performance habits, this TedTalk will walk you through some simple things you can do each day to elevate your


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